Purpose: The purpose of the AEF Committee is to raise funds for and promote knowledge about the Auxiliary Emergency Fund. Standing Rule 6, National Committees – Member/Organizational Support

Purpose: The purpose of the Americanism program is to promote patriotism and responsible citizenship. Standing Rules #6, Core National Standing Committees
Be knowledgeable on flag history, etiquette, and proper disposal methods, and promote
the observation of patriotic holidays so your community will look to the ALA for

Purpose: The purpose of the Children & Youth Committee is to work collaboratively with The American Legion to promote programs that protect, care for, and support children and youth, especially those of our military and veterans. Standing Rules 6,
Core National Standing Committees
The Children & Youth program emphasizes protecting, caring for, and supporting
children and youth, particularly those of veterans and military families.

Purpose: The purpose of the Community Service Committee is to promote the American
Legion Auxiliary’s commitment to making our communities better places to live by supporting
local service projects. Standing Rules #6, National Committees Mission Outreach
Promote American Legion Family Day — April 27, 2024.

Purpose: The purpose of the Education Committee is to promote quality education for
children—especially for military children—and adults. Standing Rule #6, Mission Outreach
Promote quality education for children, especially for military children, and adults.

Purpose: The purpose of the Junior Activities Committee is to inspire active participation in
members aged 17 and under so they become engaging, productive members who will want to
continue their American Legion Auxiliary membership into adulthood. Standing Rule 6,
National Committees – Mission Outreach
Inspire active participation in members age 17 and under so they will become engaging,
productive members who will want to continue their American Legion Auxiliary
membership into adulthood.

The purpose of the Leadership Committee is to better equip members to serve in leadership positions with confidence and skill. Standing Rules #6, National Committees – Member/Organizational Support
Raise awareness of ALA leadership development opportunities.

Purpose: The purpose of the Public Relations Committee is to establish and maintain a
positive public image of the organization by encouraging ALA members to be visible in
their communities through branding and informing the public about the mission of the
organization. Standing Rules #6, National Committees – Member/Organizational